Attendance at weekly Didactic seminars and Group Supervision is mandatory for all interns in the Nevada Psychology Internship Consortium (NV-PIC) and required for successful completion of the internship. Attendance at these scheduled activities takes priority over other site obligations. Unless otherwise noted, Group Supervision is held on Wednesdays from 10:00-12:00pm; Didactic seminars are held weekly for two hours, scheduled to be announced. All supervisors are aware of these activities and the attendance requirement for interns.
Attendance at Didactic seminars and Group Supervision occurs via distance-mediated technology. Interns and the group facilitator will participate from their respective office computers over a HIPAA-compliant, secure telecommunications platform. Interns are expected to participate fully and actively in each of these mandatory activities; interns should not be checking email, surfing the internet, completing notes, or doing other computer-related or non-relevant activities during Didactic seminars or Group Supervision.
The Training Director must be notified in advance of scheduled PTO or Professional Development Release time that will require missing a mandatory training activity. If an intern misses a Didactic seminar or Group Supervision meeting because of a serious emergency or for a serious illness, he or she should alert the group facilitator and the Training Director as soon as possible. Attendance at each Didactic seminar and Group Supervision meeting is tracked by NV-PIC, and absences are reported to the Training Director.
Attendance at didactics is tracked via completion of a didactic evaluation form; interns who do not complete an evaluation form will be considered as having missed the didactic. Interns who miss more than 3 didactic seminars will work with the Didactics Coordinator to come up with a plan to make up for missed learning experiences. Interns will be required to contact the Didactics Coordinator with a proposed plan for making up for missed learning experiences within 3 business days of returning to work after having missed a didactic. Interns have one week from the time the plan is agreed upon to complete the plan and submit proof of having done so.
Attendance at Group Supervision is tracked by the group facilitators; all absences are reported to the Training Director. Missing more than three sessions of Group Supervision will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and an appropriate response will be determined. Unexcused absences from mandatory training activities may result in initiating the NV-PIC Due Process procedures.
Attendance at other meetings
Attendance at staff, treatment team, clinical meetings, agency and NV-PIC required trainings, and any other administrative meetings is mandatory as this is an expectation of your training year and a critical part of demonstration of ongoing professionalism. Do not schedule over meetings with client appointments or for other activities unless cleared by the Training Director.
Use of cell phones and other media
Please refrain from disruptive use of cell phones during administrative, supervision, or training meetings. This includes checking voice mail, texting, sending emails, etc. While many devices have silent or vibrating functions, repeated checking can be distracting for other members of meetings so you are asked to refrain from use of these devices during meetings. If you are anticipating an urgent or emergency situation please announce that you plan to step out of the meeting to take a time-sensitive call.